in lieu of a last show


The old deli smell and the heavy purple door with David Bowie’s face in the window

The dusty records we tried so many times to sort through and sell 

Amy, who taught me to play songs in sets of three, or really whatever I wanted

The Facebook page I started for my show (because that seemed to be a thing back then)

The corkboard we used to have, and sticking my name in a slot for the first time 

My dad’s text saying “your show was sad today,” after my broadcast on November 9th, 2016

The nerves I felt upon publishing my first blog post,

  and everytime it was my turn to say what I’d been listening to 

The bongo at the end of meetings 

Maddie’s very last broadcast, and promising myself I’d play Sunchokes on my final show too 

The sink mirror of the old Farr bathroom where I discovered how red my face gets after some PBR

The breeze through the car windows on the drive back from a celebratory Bombay meal

The mouse that ran across the room when I sat in during a crush’s late night slot

Daniela and our share of the Sunday night airwaves 

The first time I tagged along to turn the transmitter on

Office hours held on the third floor of Peirce 

The empty cooler that turned into another seating option 

Steph’s room, where we stopped to grab a drink before heading back to south quad for the fest 

Finals week, using the new office as a study space 

Our PO Box — the big one with the number peeled off 

The journal entries I’ve written while on-air 

The immediate comfort stepping into the station gave me,

  and how my show always felt like home. 

Isa Mojares