Songs About Georgia

Red barns surrounded by green fields with a backdrop of trees and a blue sky.

Over the past few months I’ve begun to notice an abundance of songs in my rotating music collection that have to do with “Georgia.” By this I mean either Georgia the state, or Georgia in reference to a person. I’ve never been to Georgia, and I don’t know anyone named Georgia personally, but for some reason I’ve become invested in accumulating this music. There must be something special about it, based solely on the mere number of songs owing their namesake to the state. Many of them deal with feelings of longing, and maybe that’s part of what makes “Georgia” sound so romantic. It’s a person and a place, a name suited for twice the amount of emotion.

Here, you won’t find every song ever written with “Georgia” in its title, but you will find the ones that stood out to me in my pursuit of the perfect Georgia playlist. I’ve chosen 12 songs that access the mysterious magnetic power attached to the name. Curating this collection pushed me to look past the genre and venture into unknown territory. I discovered songs and artists I had never heard of, many of which I really enjoy, and I hope you will too.

– Ellie Fallon

Ellie Fallon