my final post and contribution to wkco
Read MoreMusic is my internal metronome. During times of disjunction and displacement, when nothing but uncertainty stares back at me with its large, deep, black eyes, I find myself turning to music time after time. When feeling overwhelmed, the songs tell me to sink into my emotions and to give myself time to fully process everything. Music has always helped to remind me of all of the incredible (and sometimes not so incredible) things that I’ve endured on and off the hill that have made me into who I am today.
Read MoreWe’re just as stuck as you are, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t still listening to music. Here’s a small slice of what the writers have sent in: hope you enjoy!
Read MoreI’ve been putting off writing. Too busy feeling a lack of motivation these past few weeks while away from the place and the people I love most. Instead of giving the world another melancholy playlist full of dance bops– I want to share the 9 songs I listened to in February when we were last on campus together
Read MoreI started listening to Tokyo Police Club when I was in eighth grade. One of my closest friends was then (and still is now) constantly invested in discovering new and/or little known alternative music. I’ve never quite understood the success behind his methods. He dives down Spotify rabbit-holes and commits to them wholeheartedly, listening to entire albums and artist repertoires. After settling on a few particularly special ones, he listens to them over and over again—in the car while driving, in his walks between classes, during class, alone in bed, or even surrounded by people at parties. He is always discovering, always listening, and sometimes letting himself fall inside the music completely—giving way to it.
Read MoreIt’s that time of the year again! Time for you all to go and affirm your relationships on social media because if you don’t aggressively post the gifts your significant other got you on at least 2-3 different platforms are you even in a relationship at all? The answer to that is obviously no.
Read MorePicture this: it’s 2001. The Canadian tuxedo is more than just a modest party gimmick, and your phone is bigger and heavier than your heart. The world is wearing one large, gaudy, glittery party hat (until 2008, but that’s a story history can tell itself). And we would be too, if most of us hadn't just started walking proficiently.
Read MoreFor me, music is a close friend whispering a story to you late at night in bed. You know you’re exhausted but you stay up and listen to the stories in the dark anyway.
Read MoreHappy Friday! The clock strikes 11 pm. You’ve been dancing, doing that weird sway and point-at-your-friend-while-mouthing-the-lyrics thing for a bit. It’s your sophomore year roommate’s housemate’s birthday and you felt comfortable enough with the Facebook invite list to show up fairly “early.”
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